Archive | July, 2013

HAVE YOU GOT OIL?…The power of preparation.

12 Jul

Image  It  is said that chance happens,and opportunity meets with the prepared mind. Really, how very true that saying is! Indeed, our future will be a sum total of all the efforts of preparation we put in today. when opportunity meets with preparation, it culminates in an avalanche of results!

Time and chance does happen.

“though the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,…….. but time and chance happens to all men ….. (see Ecc. 9:11)

Life is a gift, a gift of adventure given by God to us, not to just live as a routine, but a package of possibilities and exploits. That’s what Jesus meant when he said “I have come that you may have life, and have it abundantly!”

Also, from time to time, the master planner, our God, throws in some surprises, to lighten the journey, to give us an edge in life. These aids, come as opportunities. it comes as chance. It maybe a word spoken in due season, it maybe a new circle of friends or network, it may even be a wind if adversity, a closed door, a new environment, an idea, a new book… It can take any form!

Our outcome from these, is dependent on how much we are able to take advantage of this opportunity, how skill full we have become in being able to recognize these edges, how masterful we can run with them, how artful are we to carve a beautiful piece from it.

This piece was inspired by the parable of the ten virgins in the scriptures (Matthew 25:1-13), The five foolish virgins are said to be so not because they didn’t have lamps, not because they didn’t come out to wait for the bridegroom but because they didn’t have oil in their lamps. They had their make-up on, their beautiful clothes, all looked right but alas! that seemingly little thing: oil, which no one on the outside could tell if they had or not (cos the oil level cant be seen from with-out), became the bane of their failure.

It is one thing to be in church, stepping out Sunday to Sunday to meet with the bride groom ; hear powerful sermons. it is another, to be able to identify the opportunities God sends our way during the week in form of work at the office or otherwise as answers to our prayers.

Preparation is such a powerful tool, yet so simple,it is quite easy to overlook the need for it. 

Even the eyes of the lord watches over the earth, daily, seeking for people that dare to prepare, people that are paying the prize for self development today, people that are buying books instead of shoes, people that are burning the midnight oil, people that so believe his promises that they are living sacrificially today as a seed for tomorrow.

These are the ones that when they start taking off in the skies tomorrow, people will start murmuring that life isn’t fair! then are the one that can turn a throw of chance, of opportunity into a thousand exploits!

Let’s start today.

Every new day is a gift. Take account of the past. evaluate your level of self development. When last did you learn a new proficiency? What is that new exciting subject you are researching on? get out of your old circle, make news friends, go for a new workshop. stir the waters of your mind!

Dare to prepare for the tomorrow you desire.

Be inspired today!