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15 Sep

imagesCAYVT77EEver heard of the word “fruitfulness” ? Certainly! We see it daily in the fruits we eat, the news of a new born, the seasons and in so many things. But do we really understand what it means, how it relates to one, as an individual? My personal needs, the work of my hands, my family… the list is endless.

Do we really understand that fruitfulness is a commandment? God’s gift to us?
Let’s get back to the beginning, when the master creator, the all perfect God, stepped out to bring alive his masterpieces , for everything he created, As he saw that it was good (of course, we know they had to be good!), God put a seal of sustainability, of preservation on it. He set aside a process that will curb extinction! He made a check to ensure that all the good will be endless, and ever good!


God spoke.

Yes! he commanded.

He put the seal of fruitfulness… forever.

And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind… vs. 12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good… Genesis 1: 11-12

And also in verse 24… And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after its kind…

God spoke fruitfulness to the earth. He commanded unending fruitfulness and even till date, seed time and harvest has never ceased! The earth has no choice but to be fruitful. It must permit plants to grow forth, year in year out! Animals must reproduce, they have no choice, No one has to teach them how to mate… The reproduction process has been programmed in advance!

Also, In verse 22, After God created the moving waters and the living creatures in it, the birds to fly overhead it, God BLESSED them, saying: BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY, fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth…

Then, FINALLY… God made man, you and I, products of his image… to reproduce according to our source. Male and female created he them (us), permit my grammar!)…

And AGAIN, God BLESSED them (us), and God said (commanded) unto them, Be FRUITFUL, and MULTIPLY, and REPLENISH the earth, and SUBDUE it: have DOMINION… Genesis 1: 28

Please note, God BLESSED them.

Fruitfulness is a function of God’s blessing! Just declare this blessing and walk daily in the consciousness of it!

Also, God commanded. “Be fruitful” so he expects us to be fruitful… simple!

Do you believe you are designed for fruitfulness, notwithstanding what you see around you? the limitations of our five senses?

Our maker, creator, manufacturer, producer, has designed us as choice products for his glory, he has programmed us, and put all that is required for us to be fruitful!

In our health, our walk with him, In the work of our hands.

He has put talents, books, peoples, ideas, people… all to ensure we remain fruitful year in, year out.

He spoke to the earth, the earth heard and still hears and obeys till today! Plants and animals keep multiplying!

He spoke to the seas, they never run dry, He spoke to the fishes… They keep multiplying! (Thank God! for food sake).

He spoke to you and I, yes! we have no choice but to keep increasing, in ALL.

Why is God passionate about us being fruitful?

It’s his master check plan for stability on the earth’s system, That ensures all is well on earth!

It is by being fruitful that we can multiply, and by multiplying, that we can replenish the earth.

It is in increasing that we can replenish the earth (keep it ever fresh, ever green, ever evolving, new ideas, creativity. no monotony!)

And the more we replenish, the more we subdue the earth, the forces of life, even of nature also (Imagine if no ideas of shelter!) , to make the world a better place.

With this fresh understanding, arise today and speak! command everything around you to obey God’s purpose of fruitfulness for your life!

speak to your academics, speak to the work of your hands, speak to your body, speak to those books lying unwritten within.

Declare, that God’s counsel must stand! “My fruitfulness is God’s desire, he longs to show forth his praise through my life” speak daily… speak continuously. speak specifically… And you shall see… because everything hears.

I await your testimony… testimonies!

Be inspired today!

Be fruitful!

On your marks, Get ready… set…. GLORY!!!

5 Jun

There is a glory that is ours for the taking.Today and NOW!!!
Today, glory can be seen as success,fame & stardom,progress,wealth and whatever the world celebrates.
Great! Yet,scriptural glory is far beyond this…
Few word can adequately describe it. words fail me.
Unprecedented progress, mind blowing wealth, global impact and recognition, generational impact, legendary fame and what heaven defines as “What eyes have not seen nor ears heard!
This is THE glory am talking about today.
There is a glory that is ours for the taking.
what is that glory?
It is that same glory Moses pleaded for in Exodus 33:18 crying out “lord, that i may see your glory”
That same glory that David, though a king, desperately thirsted for,like a deer panting for water in a dry and thirsty land.(see Psalm 63).
That is the glory, you and i have been called to show forth!
“we are that chosen generation, that peculiar people”,
Designed for the sole purpose of showing forth his praise!
Whose praise?
GOD’S PRAISE!!!( there’s an urge to emphasis this… will do a follow up writing)
That”s the heart of the matter!
the glory is a heart matter…
THE glory is not all about ambition, self success and fame…
it is a glory that will make the earth to tremble,
That will challenge the unsaved to seek the source: God!
That’s the hope for which he has called us from darkness (obscurity, ignorance and fear) into his marvelous light.
(please see Isaiah 43:7,1 peter 2:9)
That glory is the hope of our Nation, the catalyst for change…
what a joy that it is ours for the taking!
so what is left?
The glory is for a prize…
Yes, it has a cost.
Heard of the term “weight of glory”?
Here’s what we need to check…
Can we handle the “weight”?
I call it the blessings of God that brings with it responsibility…
Am i ready, are the young people today ready, are you well able… to go and possess our lands of glory? the change we so desire as leaders of today?
some food for thought.
God will not give is “mighty” to toddlers.
The throne is for sons…
see Galatians 4:1-7
Time fail me, but thank God for the gift of tomorrow.
so we can continue…
There’s hope…

Now, about that invitation…

17 May

The last time,we started out on that great invitation…
Yes, that same one.
like i observed earlier, there must be a twist to this story,its unlikely to have a literal meaning.
Why would one prefer to go do some farming than to enjoy the feast?
Could it be because the invitation might not come as a literal invitation to feasting….
Yes! that must be it.
Matthew 22:1-10. also see Luke 14:15.
How do i know?
If the certainly, no one would turn such invitation down.
Yet, that’s what we do…. maybe ignorantly, though ignorance is not an excuse… unto us,it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom.
Jesus, by those scriptures is still saying today, that’s what we do when he calls us to serve in the kingdom and we fail to respond.
Turn with me to the scriptures…John 4:32 & 34
Jesus answer to his disciples plea to eat, was “i have meat to eat that you know not of”… and he explained more “my meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish the work”
Three words stand out… MEAT,WILL and WORK….
Simply rephrased, Jesus relates food to the work, and that work was the father’s will.
Other scriptural reference of meat refers to the word of God but here Jesus was meant that doing his father’s will which is causing God’s kingdom to come on earth was as satisfying to him as meat.
The lord opened my eye…. my spiritual understanding,to see how and why we miss out from all his already made provisions for our stay here on earth. They are all tied to this banquet invitation… for he said “all things are now ready”…. there adequate provision but you will have to come… first… that’s the access… to all.
That explains Matthew 6:33…
to seek first his kingdom… then EVERY other thing we desire, shall be added unto us.
Friends, Labour not for the meat that perishes… set your hearts on heavenly things… for where one’s heart is, there shall thy treasure be.
It’s time to heed this clarion call, for all things are now ready… it time to do the father’s will… it’s time to step out and replenish the earth by our service.
Look inwards, then look around, it’s okay to ask “lord! how?.. Sure,there’s provision for “that work” he has called you to do… your invitation has long been sent… start by doing the necessary, then the possible…and next, you are doing the impossible!… for all things are now ready…
We must have a sense of urgency towards the master’s call… for the night cometh when no man shall work….
The invitation has gone round fast,so fast, maybe been repeated?…
it started with the patriarchs of faith… but now, it to “all that may will”…
He said to the servants “Go to the highways, and as many as you can find, bid to come to the supper”… for all things are set! The fields are white with the harvest… but the labourers are few.
Kingdom service is the father’s will. It’s his heart-cry.
Lord! i accept your invitation. Grace to run with this mandate while it is day.
so…. what are you waiting for?
All is set.
Join the guests… Step out!
Be inspired today.

hey! got your invitation?

13 May

Have you ever been invited to the event,of a well known personality and you failed to turn up?
My guess is that it was totally unavoidable, you just couldn’t squeeze that into your already too tight schedule…… does that seem likely?
Remember its a highly placed personality, say a famous star or maybe a presidential invitation… wow! now i have got you there…. sincerely, i will find time, i would cancel some other engagement, and i trust you would do same also……. because nobody wants to miss out and be told by someone else about all the fun and goodies.
Now, on a more serious note, there’s this great invitation been passed round in this season, an awakening… have you received yours? do you intend to honor it? if you have not, check the mail box within and around… maybe you didn’t take it too seriously and left it laying around. search well because,i am certain your invitation has been sent.
so….. whats the event?
look it up in the greatest directory…
Matthew 22:1-10. also see Luke 14:15 (you just have it read this one more time.. it’s got depth)
The event is the marriage feast of the great master.
Observe that he sent the courier servants out twice……”No more excuses” he said after the first feedback.
He desperately sends them out a second time, saying.. “maybe they don’t understand. Add this; he emphasises… tell them “All things are now ready”… “the table is set.”
whats this event really all about?
that’s the question we need to ask… could it possibly mean something else?
i guess there’s a twist to it…
why would someone prefer to go to the farm rather than go have some fun.. and another want to try out some silly new oxen than enter the presidential mansion….
You are right, things aren’t always the way they seem…..
join me tomorrow as we uncover this beautiful piece…. as we take the next turn.
Be inspired today. think on these thots……..

For we know not what we ought to pray for…

27 Apr

The bible is loaded, it is a book of “SURE WORDS”… that’s God’s word, words that cannot fail, for God is not a man, he says only what he means and means what he says. So if in his word, it says we know not what to pray for as we ought to, Romans 8:26-27… the last verse says, the spirit that searcheth all things and knoweth all things, helpeth us to pray according to the will of God… there is a will of God that prayer time is supposed to enforce.. This is the heart of the matter, the reason for so much prayer and so few answers.
What are we supposed to pray for? Ask the right questions and see how quick you get answers.
The disciples said, master teach us how to pray… so just as there’s how to pray, there’s what to pray…
Let’s go for wisdom (the right application of knowledge) and in all our getting, get understanding…
Understanding is what makes the difference, it is what generates results… lasting results.

Matthew 7:7 says we should ask and we shall receive, seek and find, knock and the door be opened unto us. Its God’s plan to answer us when we cry.. But if we don’t pray alright, we cannot get his attention.It goes on to emphasis that God desires to answer our prayer…. Further, down in Matthew 7:9-11, and Lk 11:9-12.. it says if men would not refuse their children good things, how much more our heavenly father, not GIVE US THE HOLY SPIRIT, if we ask him! We are to ask for the Holy Spirit! But… because a people perishes due to inadequate knowledge and the word of God cries out, “who is as blind as my servant, who is as deaf as my people.. The church, the saints suffer unanswered prayers not because of lack of prayers but because of lack of right prayers.

Zechariah 10:1 sheds light on what we should pray for… it says we should ask of the lord rain in the time of the latter rain… its same as in luke 11:13…. How much more will the father not give us the Holy Spirit if we ask him (‘if’ because we may desire not to ask him …. It’s the time of the latter rain, the season to ask for the rain of Holy Spirit!

Let’s not put the cart before the horse… we get busy praying all manner of prayers! The word of God says that what to eat, what to wear, the cares and fears of this world do the unsaved ask for, that we that have received salvation, should seek first his kingdom, we should pray that his kingdom come… its time to pray aright… its time to pray for the rain of his spirit upon us, upon the church, the saints… its time for Holy Ghost awakening that answers all

My heart-cry today…….

25 Apr

This is my heart cry today to my father, to whom I owe all, his image and likeness I am, the one I long to please. like him in all may I be.

He knows my heart, he my sees all, behind the smile, behind the face, he knows my all. each step he weighs. My heart he tries.

My work before him lay, yes!My walk also, through the test of fire he refines all, to prove its actual worth. I pray it comes out as gold, cos my flesh most times do rule.

To Jesus, even when no work he hath done, a word of approval, a scored for his walk, when there was yet no work.
At his baptism the heavens opened, a voice i hear. “my beloved son, indeed in you,i am well pleased!
I long to do to do so more, but I hear his whisper, my girl,its not more I need, its u I need, your hearts, your plan, your all… to lay at my feet with trust!
Father, that I may please you, that the world may see you in me!
I count all but loss to gain you my king, Rule over my today, tomorrow I give also, my future your glory I seek to show that all the praise may be to you.

Am just a child, little I know, more I crave, teach me how, my all I forsake.

Though Your way be slow, the path so narrow, but as gold I long to appear, a vessel so fit for my king.

This is my heart cry today, let thy hears attend, a cry for help, for grace I need

Lord! today I pray, be well pleased with me. In friends and family and all. In us, dear father, be pleased

Use or Lose….. talent trading 3

24 Apr


Now, we get to the crucial and critical part,the frightening revelation of what happens to unused talent.     Can untapped potential get to a point that it can be lost?  In the parable of the talents, in Matthew 25:14-29 and that of the pounds in Luke 19:12-26, the master angrily took ALL from the fearful and unwise servant who hid his talent or simply the little had rather than trade it for an increase.

Living an unproductive stagnant unadventurous life is a risk.

Just as Hebrews 5:14 says “…..even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised.” so also the opposite is very true… those who by lack of practice, lack of use have become stale and when the staleness remains so for a long time as a result of continuous inactivity,the result is a grumbling, unproductive individual full of excuses, blaming everyone for his stale life.I observed such people and in them i see this principle playing out, the ones that have nothing to show are the ones that have for decades continually blamed one person or the other for not granting them assistance in life.They,it make it seem like God is partial,giving much to one and so little to another,but if we understand this principle of starting now, sowing whatever our creator has put in  us, starting small, taking one step at a time, we realize d risk of doing nothing.
  Life is a personal adventure. Take responsibility for your life today. Step out and step up!

This fact of use or lose is so crucial, because although we say the master is coming soon and yet act like we have all the time,let’s note that the master is already taking account…yes! heaven is already registering those who are intelligently trading there resources.His eyes goes to and fro daily….he sees ALL,He knows about your simple acts, your efforts, your wise investment of time.your labor to inspire people.

There’s an inspiring song in Isaiah 5… God’s song for us, his beloved …. its such a touching song,laden with emotion.. it creates a picture of how God has prepared us as a beautiful vineyard designed to bring forth choicest grapes.

He sang, “i fenced this vineyard and put a watch tower in it” wow! the master- planner even planned for our mistakes, whatever may go wrong as we step out to use what we have got.The watch tower is his place as a father,where he watches over his vine, in prayers, where he see beyond where we can even imagine and order our steps,where he sights robbers and corrects us. He has fenced us, put a hedge roundabout his vineyard, that’s supernatural protection as we add to our daily venture on this adventure called life.Indeed! we have been adequately equipped with all we need to show forth his praise!

In the song, there’s also a wine-press, to process the grapes… as we bear fruits, as we use our skills, they are been processed, refined to gifts that will make a way for us and set us before kings and bring even the gentiles to the brightness of our light, causing ten men to hold unto our skirts, crying..” i want to know your God”. talk about exploits!

Jesus had to curse the fig tree that had no fruits on it.
This use or lose principle is so crucial,we must have a sense of urgency about it.Today is the day we must AWAKE and ARISE..the ways of the devil is subtle, ignorance which is also a lack of understanding is costly,it costs one’s destiny.

The grace of God has already being made available.Lets take hold of it.

Step out and step up into your colorful inheritance.


Start with what you have got…… talent trading for profitable living 2

23 Apr

ImageLaying within us are depths, wells of great potential, waiting to be stirred. Wells that could become rivers and rivers that yearns to flow out as into a mighty ocean, to flow out to nations for global transformation…….. see Ezekiel 47: 1-5 note that as the water increased, it became easier to move,then it got to the point he started swimming… swimming through water is easier and faster than walking through it. but it starts with stirring the well. that is, a personal resolution to start with whatever lies within me, in whatever way i can productively engaging or trading it either for personal gain or to bless humanity…. that’s the whole essence of our being on earth…. because God has not called us to just be busy but to be fruitful…. to replenish the earth.

we cannot get out of life what we have not put into it…. lets understand that as long as the earth remains, the principle of seed time is at work whether we are conscious of it or not. let us go on a journey of self discovery, lets locate that seed, that talent, and start showing it for our desired future…. start now! there’s a fruit of greatness in those simple activities of today if we step out with diligence….

we don’t need more prayer, we need to think, we need to search within, its a treasure, its lies within, hidden… that’s why we need to diligently search it out. hence prayer time is not another session to tug at the father with a long list…. as a parent, my kids don’t have to beg me for their fees, so lets understand that God designed prayer time for intelligent interaction with our father on how we can strategically take over the earth, how we can go about his business of preserving the earth for the purpose of showing forth his praise and glory. lets get thinking!

At the cross, Jesus declared “it is finished” . he has done all, there’s nothing new to be done… so why does our lives and the world yet seem like there’s so much left to be done? it is because we need to have an understanding that the baton is now in our hands, we are loaded with all the solution the world needs and until we start sowing little seeds we cannot know how to turn it into that great solution. its time for an awakening… its time to start using our God given resources, potential…. its time to start the stirring!

Start small. start anyhow, start that self development course, learn a new proficiency, reach out to that neighbor,  start with your family, your street…. start sowing and see how you get better and can then do with ease what even the Government maybe struggling with, that what Isaiah 60:22 means, that a little one shall become a strong nation but it starts with verse 1, “arise and shine for thine light has come”, that is: Get up! no more excuses, step out even as your understanding (light) has been awakened. 

Its such a beautiful oxymoron…. to give and yet increase, to lay down and yet gather, to die in order to live. 

No more excuses, just locate your design. that servant gave reasonable excuses in Matthew 25:24… in verse 25, he also added that he was afraid.. its time to overcome our fears and timidity and step out knowing that our father has equipped us abundantly with all that we will ever need, he has not given us the spirit of fear, but of boldness and of a sound mind. we have been pre-destined for global impact!

Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, then suddenly you are doing the impossible. locate that seed of greatness, that talent, start sowing it, stir up those water… and get set for a refreshing swim!

Your life is an adventure… step out with excitement… 

Awaiting your testimonies and exploits in Jesus name. Amen

Profitable Living… Talent Trading.

22 Apr


I read this morning, the parable of the talents in Luke 19:12-26 & Matthew 25:14-30…. And am amazed at how practical this parable is, how it throws so much light on what our attitude ought to be to all God has put in us, how we should have a businesslike purpose to our daily activities.

Now the master had great expectations, very high ones indeed for his servants, (note ‘his servants’, the saved, those under his authority)… I believe the great judgment will be for the saved, to give account of how we ‘occupied’, how much we obeyed the commandment (not suggestion); “have dominion, be fruitful, replenish the earth, be the salt…. Give taste to the earth; preserve the earth… be that light that such a dark world so badly needs.”

A wise servant is the one that wasn’t slothful (wasteful and lazy) but profitably engaged the little he had to create more.

Today, let’s look within us. What is that desire within you? Don’t quench it, but begin to fan it, rekindle it by asking the Holy Spirit how we can engage profitably, look into your past, the things you did and loved, look into your future, the things you would love to do… start today to build that flair you have, that interest to inspire people, comfort people, leave people better than you met them…. One step at a time

It starts with knowing that God wants you to develop your gift, your personality, your hobby, those seemingly little abilities so much so that it could make a way for you, open new doors and even cause you to appear  before kings.

Get inspired today, start small, anyhow…. Let that call to a friend be profitable, that post on Facebook, grace your words. Grace the world. Be businesslike with your time… your plans for each day, have a concept, always ask yourself “how can this profit me, someone else, Gods kingdom, the society.

Just have this mindset: I am trading something somehow each day…. If its positive trade, the law of seedtime will yield an increase… even the master is watching, he will see my diligence and he will cause my profiting to appear to all men… I shall be celebrated both here on earth and in heaven… In Jesus name… Amen!